Viewing entries in category ‘Member Stories’
Beyond Ramps and Fiddleheads...
May 10, 2017 Spring ushers in the season of wild edibles - starting with ramps, fiddleheads, and the hunt for the elusive morel. While it's a treat to see these delicious gifts of nature on menus each spring, they are certainly not the only wild edibles worth celebrating.
Fresh off the Farm - Spring-Dug Parsnips
April 26, 2017 Bright green sprouts, shoots and baby greens may be the first local produce you look for in spring, but the true first harvest (after maple, of course) has been ripening and sweetening in the ground all winter.
On the Menu - Spring-Dug Parsnips
April 26, 2017 Bright green sprouts, shoots and baby greens may be the first local produce you look for in spring, but the true first harvest (after maple, of course) has been ripening and sweetening in the ground all winter.
Fresh, Hot & Local - the best Pizza in Vermont!
April 12, 2017 Fact - about 1 in 8 Americans eats pizza any given day! Though you may not think of pizza when you think of Vermont, we put out some seriously delicious pies.
Board Profiles - Meet The President
March 29, 2017 An important part of the Vermont Fresh Network’s success is the hard work of our Board of Directors.
Butterfly Bakery - Vermont Peppers Are Hot
March 29, 2017 Butterfly Bakery began almost 15 years ago with owner Claire Fitts Georges baking long nights in rented oven space in Montpelier, VT. The cookies, granolas, and other baked goods she made soon attracted a loyal customer base because 1. they were (are) delicious and 2.
Vermont Fresh Pasta - 25 Years in Business!
March 1, 2017 Many of us may take it for granted that for years we have had delicious, fresh, locally produced pasta available at our Vermont neighborhood grocery stores.
Caledonia Spirits - Full Circle: The Transformation of Grain to Whiskey
February 15, 2017
Full Circle: The Transformation of Grain to Whiskey
written by Sophia Light, Caledonia Spirits
You can read the original piece on Caledonia's website, complete with more photos, here.
Morse Block Deli
February 15, 2017 Roasted Butternut squash, pickled Delicata, pumpkin hummus and roasted pumpkin seeds – that’s squash four ways - can be enjoyed in the vegetarian shawarma specialty at Chef Stefano Coppola’s Morse block Deli and Craft Beer Emporium in Barre.
Grafton Village Cheese - Bear Hill
February 1, 2017 If the team at Grafton Village Cheese need to change, update or check in on their sheep's milk order, it’s not as simple as a call or an email.