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Volunteer at the VFN Annual Forum Dinner August 5th

July 9, 2018

Volunteers needed for set up or clean up at Vermont Fresh Network’s Annual Forum Dinner on August 5th.

WHAT:  Help at a delicious event - Vermont Chefs, Farmers, Beverage and Food Producers come together to prepare a grazing feast topped-off with an ice cream social at Shelburne Farms 

WHEN:  The dinner is Sunday, 5:00-8:00pm.  Pick one of the following volunteer shifts-

  • Saturday, August 4th:  2:00-4:30pm day before set up
  • Sunday, August 5th:  1:00-4:00pm for set up*
  • Sunday, August 5th:  4:00-6:00 AND 7:30-8:30pm for event registration, greeting, then attend event, then help with some clean up [split shift]

WHERE:  The Coach Barn at Shelburne Farms, 1611 Harbor Rd, Shelburne VT 05482

WHY:  Your compensation for helping either before or after the event, is to attend the event FOR FREE (a $75 value)!  Also, you’re supporting an awesome mission-driven non-profit and its small staff.

HOW:  Please email with your desired shift and contact info.


*This shift ends an hour before the event begins and volunteers are welcome to stay, walk around the farm, swim/hang out by the water for that hour. There are bathrooms available for clean-up and changing before the event. 

Work a set-up shift and join us at the event, duty-free! 

Thank you to Flavor Plate for donating their time and effort to the design and co-development of our website.