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Facebook Marketing

February 5, 2018

Facebook Marketing Webinar with Tom Remp (Billings Farm & Museum)

Presented On: Wednesday, Feb 14th, 2018 

If you have trouble with the embedded video, you can also go to this Webinar Recording 

Learn about effectively using Facebook to market your farm or food business with Tom Remp from VFN Partner Member Billings Farm and Museum

This webinar goes beyond social media 101 to look in depth at this particular tool, including:

  • How to set and measure goals for Facebook performance
  • Tools for targeting audiences and setting up paid campaigns
  • Facebook algorithms (what this is and how it affects you)
  • Preparing for and managing aggressively negative users (a sad fact of social media)

Notes & Recording

Oh, we're still perfecting the whole 'making a recording' thing - but there's a limit to how far off you can go, wait a few moments on the video and the screens will resolve themselves. 

If you prefer to browse written and photo materials, here are some relevant links:

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